Athren Soulsteal
Posted - 2006.05.20 17:51:00 -
Reverse engineering (well the promise of it) is what brought me back to EVE.
Now if CCP does what was planned and RE is as it was proposed it would create BPOs.
This is how it was said to work.
1. An item is brought in to a station with an engineering bay., lets say a small pulse laser. This will be destroyed in the RE process
2. The original pulse laser has this specifications: power grid usage 6 , MW cpu usage 7, tf structure capacity 1, m3 mass 1 kg, volume5 m3, misc activation cost 2,2695, Energy rate of fire 2,70, sec optimal range 5.175m, damage modifier 2.3 x, charge sizes mall, accuracy falloff 1.500m, tracking speed / accuracy 0.219, rad/sec tech level 1, signature resolution 40mbase price ISK 1.976,00
3. lets say this small Pulse laser is RE by 2 corps.
4a. Corp A creates a BPO called ôCorp A Pulse Laserö with the specifications: power grid usage 7 , MW cpu usage 7, tf structure capacity 1, m3 mass 1 kg, volume5 m3, misc activation cost 2,2872, Energy rate of fire 2,35, sec optimal range 5.10m, damage modifier 2.4 x, charge sizes small, accuracy falloff 1.400m, tracking speed / accuracy 0.312, rad/sec tech level 2, signature resolution 40mbase price ISK 1.997,00
4b. Corp B creates a BPO called ôCorp B Small Death Rayö (you get to name your item) with the specification: power grid usage 7 , MW cpu usage 6, tf structure capacity 1, m3 mass 1 kg, volume5 m3, misc activation cost 2,2322, Energy rate of fire 2,40, sec optimal range 6.111m, damage modifier 1.98 x, charge sizes small, accuracy falloff 1.900m, tracking speed / accuracy 0.149, rad/sec tech level 2, signature resolution 60m base price ISK 2.002,00
Each corp takes their new T2 small pulse laser to market. OH, for those of you that did not known, This is how T2 items were supposed to be introduced. Think about what the Dev blog said about not being able to wait to fly our ships, no 2 corps will create the same exact item. If you RE a Punisher and I RE a punisher and I also ôPrototypeö for drone bays then your punisher may have better speed and buff lasers but mine will could carry 2 drones and have more cpu.
Now before those people with current T2 mess their drawers because the T2 versions we will RE might (actually should) be better versions they need to keep in mind the players going the RE route Will have invested a heck of a lot of time into RE.
Lets go back to the small pulse laser, in order to RE a small pulse laser you would have to have the following skills:
Science lvl3 Research lvl3 Industry lvl2 Metallurgy lvl1 Small Lasers lvl1 Prototyping lvl1 Gunnery lvl1 Electronics lvl1 Mechanics lvl1 Electronic engineering lvl1 Gunnery Interfaces lvl1 Laser physics lvl1 High energy physics lvl1 (sub requirement of Science V and Engineering V)
So the player that wants to RE something as simple as a small pulse laser will have trained for months. If you want to RE something like a Punisher T2 (or Shark, as mine will be called ) then you best start training nothing but science, mechanical and engineering skills for the next 4-6 months.
If CCP changes RE to create only BPC they will basically be kicking the players, that have invested months to years of training, in the nads. 